I Was There In Sixty-Two, Sixty-Two Was Here With Me (Last Night I Dreamt I Had Wings)
Like water must meet other water
the ball flowed simply; smoothed
round curve and stony foot, clean
as nature. As clouds are unobstructed
dreams floating among blue. Never thought
of it like that or how grass smelled
of sunshine, even in rain. I watch replays
from the couch, don’t call to the floating names
or talk about weather. I kick ball towards tree,
sometimes bush, or broken fence but
with no net, I shake,
am nothing smooth as water, back
of my neck hot as June, game five
and all the cool we wanted was hidden
in clouds, did I say like dreams, like thousands
of breaths held. I felt only my toes,
my calf a current. I feel only my bones
telling me I must go like water, must lay
down a minute, remember there is beauty
in going smooth, almost in slow motion,
towards our goal.
First published on World Cup 2010 Poetry Site /Chapbook from Forest Publications.