Untitled (Aleksandar Ristovic)
“How many times will you do this or that, / without being aware / of the time passing / or the time that still remains to you?” Aleksandar Ristovic
And it was only a corner
but I turned it with more worry
than normally I worry
as if that corner
was the year of my death
or a shadow of death
which I’ve dreamed
since I was a child
watching street lamps
dreaming of the day a car would forget
to stop or I’d forget to look. And this
was only a corner, one
of many on a round earth
and the shadows that pass
are only shadows of people
waiting for the lights, checking
their watches or scanning
for an acquaintance
as I dream of my acquaintance
turning up, as if by surprise,
an expected surprise, sure
as the lights twitch
back to green
after a long red.
First published in 3:AM Magazine, April 2013