Ryan joins Claire Askew and Theresa Muñoz on Twitter to talk about Poems That Changed Our Lives
June 21, 2016
I’ll be on Twitter (@rvwable) alongside Claire Askew (@onenightstanzas) and Theresa Muñoz (@munozpoems), tweeting about the poems we’ve found most meaningful and important, as part of #ScotLitFest. Join us online at 5pm, Sunday 26 June to be a part of the conversation.
We’re celebrating poetry during the weekend by paying it forward: what poems changed your life? Who would you recommend? Claire Askew,Ryan Van Winkle and Theresa Munoz will be talking us through some titles and poets that stand out to them. You can chip in your favourites too – not only will it be an hour of lively discussion on poetry, but a great starting point for those new to the genre to discover some greats.