Ryan is Elemental
September 30, 2016
At 7pm, Monday 17 October, I’ll be at the Glasgow Science Centre for Elemental, a night of poems, music and cinema about science, art and the universe. I’ll be reading alongside Sean M Whelan, Emilie Zoey Baker and Alicia Sometimes, tickets are £5. Hope to see you there.
Elemental is a unique exploration of science, art and the universe showcased under the spectacular dome theatre of the planetarium. Poets, musicians, sound and video artists – and world-renowned science writer John Gribbin – have collaborated to present the world of the most literary, dazzling and passionate stars.
For centuries, poets have looked to the skies and attempted to scribble meaning into the galaxies. The novelist Peter de Vries once wrote, ‘The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination, but the combination is locked up in the safe.’ What if we had a key, even if only for a moment? What if we could measure, in words, what we have only imagined? Einstein took the view, ‘the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.’ What if he is right?
The artists involved in this show explore four different theories of the beginnings of the universe: The Big Bang, The Theory of Everything, Dark Matter and M Theory. Are these the lost poetic lectures of the beginning of time?
The show has many exciting components: Legendary UK experimental musicians Nurse with Wound’s work is based on the theory that the resonant frequency of the Big Bang was F#. Sean M Whelan, Emilie Zoey Baker, Alicia Sometimes and Edinburgh based Ryan Van Winkle are writing for the stars. Science, poetry and music all under the one roof.