At this year’s StAnza International Poetry Festival I’ll be working alongside Anglophone poets Vicki Feaver and Tessa Berring and Francophone poets Michel Cassir and Aurélia Lassaque throughout the festival to create an entirely new poetic work. The finished product will be performed at 1pm on Saturday 4 March, Council Chambers in the Town Hall. Tickets are £4/£3. Hope to see you there.

Listen to new poetry in different languages as part of this year’s focus on French-language.

Throughout the week of StAnza 2017 Vicki Feaver and Tessa Berring will be working together with two francophone poets, Michel Cassir and Aurélia Lassaque, completing a collaborative residency in St Andrews, to create new work and translate each others’ poetry. Join us for a multilingual performance hosted by Ryan Van Winkle as they present the results of the residency: poetry doesn’t come fresher than this!

A joint event between StAnza, the Scottish Poetry Library and Literature Across Frontiers as part of the Literary Europe Live project supported by Creative Europe.


4 March 2017 – 1:00pm2:00pm


Council Chambers in the Town Hall, Queens Gardens, St. Andrews

